Georgie Kay-Phillips – Inspire Co-ordinator

I’m Georgie and I am the Inspire Co-ordinator for Motherwell Cheshire.
My main passion is creativity, and I love encouraging others to use their own creativity to express themselves and improve wellbeing.  I have my own experience with some of the issues that impact some of the young people in our community, including living with a complex mental health disorder, and being a cared for child and care leaver.
I hope to use my life experience to encourage young women and others in the community to build confidence to speak up about the issues that they face, as well as using their voice to create positive social change.

Abbi Jarvis – Inspire Counsellor

My name is Abbi and I’m one of the counsellors here at Motherwell. My counselling journey began when I sought some support myself. It was through working with my own counsellor that I realised I wanted to pursue this career. As a result, I took night classes in Level 2 and Level 3 Counselling, then went on to do a degree in Person-Centred Counselling through the University of Derby.

When it comes to looking after my wellbeing, I like to tap into my creativity. I like journaling, creative writing and drawing. I also enjoy gaming as a way to de-stress and inspire new creative ideas. One thing that always calms me down is lo-fi music – I recommend Lo-Fi Girl on YouTube/Spotify!

Laurel Griffiths – Inspire Counsellor

Hi my name is Laurel, I am one of the Young Person counsellors here at Motherwell. I have a passion for supporting young people and helping them in finding their voice. When I am not counselling I can be found spending time with my family on adventures, I also love to travel and explore new places.

My counselling journey started when I sought my own support, through this I realised that I would like a career that allows me to support others. I have since completed my degree in Person-Centred Counselling through the University of Derby.

Chloe Mellor – Business Administrator

Hi I’m Chloe, I am the business administrator for Motherwell and the Inspire project. 

Within Motherwell I will be supporting the team with social media, the running of the hub and working on the period dignity project. 

Through my role I will also be supporting the Inspire project. Having the opportunity to support young women with their wellbeing and mental health is important to me because as a young woman I had my own challenges and the support I received from the local community helped me become the young woman I am today.

Outside of work I have a passion for motorbikes and cats. I own two cats, Oreo and Custard and they are an important part of my mental wellbeing.

Kate Blakemore – Founder & Chief Executive

My passion in life is to support and inspire women and girls of all ages throughout the mothering journey. As a trained counsellor who has needed counselling myself in the past, I talk openly about my own struggles having suffered an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. In my experience, we have been repeatedly failed by inadequate and disjointed services so my goal is to ensure that the voices of women will finally be heard in the mental health system. Women and girls with complex mental health problems, especially those who have suffered abuse and violence, are in need of specialist support and this cannot be purely clinical. This is why I set up my charity Motherwell which offers community-based projects for vulnerable mothers – giving them access to a support network and bridges the gap in services for women’s wellbeing across Cheshire. My charity is run by women for women and is open to all mothers, whatever their stage in life. I’m a strong believer that information empowers people and I work hard to drive forward change so that our voices are heard.

I am a mum of 3 children 1 daughter and 2 boys, I have been with my partner 23 years. I am passionate about the towns that our charity works in and like to feel that we play a part in the being the heart of the community. 

I love reading, hence my reading section on my website. Since 2018 I have been open water swimming and love it, it has really helped my own mental health. 

My other passion is talking, I love finding out about people, their stories fascinate me, hence my podcast and you tube channel.

I would love to hear from you if you feel we can work together in anyway, please do get in touch.

What I do:

  • Champion women and girls locally, by promotion on my social media platforms and local events 
  • Promote all aspects of mental health that impact women and girls by offering a full range of training
  • Promote equality for women and girls by taking part in local and national groups and blogging about the impact
  • Continue to develop myself to offer a therapeutic safe space for all my clients